Grape variety: 20% Pinot Meunier, 10% Pinot Blanc and 70% Pinot Noir
Terroir: Cote des bars and vallee de la Marne
Soil: Clay limestone and kiméridien medium
Dosage: 8g of sugar per Litre
Effervescence: This cuvee presents a sustained effervescence, a steady cordon, and fine and regular bubbles.
Robe: Its robe lets appear a pole with light shadow reflections.
Nose:A relatively open nose with a great complexity that bringsdried fruit,almond and tobacco-like aromas. The finish remains very pleasant withnotes of yellow fruit, caramel, and white bread.
Taste:In the mouth, we have a good attack, with a nice sensation of freshnessand fruit. The mouth is seductive and elegant with slightly honeyednotes of quince and forget me not.
Winemaking: useof organic yeasts for the alcoholic fermentation. The malolacticfermentation is done naturally. Approximately 40% of reserve wines areaged in barrels.
Quantity produced: 25,000 bottles per years.
Wine Aging: between 18 and 24 months.
Food pairing: We recommend this wine to be served with scallops.